
I really do not know who I am. I presume you’re curious and that is why you’re at this page but I regret to say I won’t be able to help you much in knowing me. There could be a lot to say about me yet there would be little worth value in those words.

Perhaps I’ll write something here when I feel up to it. Gotta give me some time I guess. 🙂

10 responses to “About

  1. Will you post some of the poetry in English too? Unfortunately I cannot read Arabic (if that is the language)? 😦 I am going to go into your archives…


  2. Hey I’m just curious about your user name is it some new word “usatad” or is it ustaad – misspelt??


  3. Eagerly waiting for new poetry!


  4. Trying… Just trying to find the muse… 🙂

    I have written a few pieces but nothing quite ready to present yet. I should though. Soon. Perhaps somebody someday will read it.


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