Where did you go?

اجنبی ہم  سے،   کس  قدر  ہو گئے؟

اچھی صورت دیکھی، اُدھر ہو گئے؟

To what degree?

Have you become a stranger?

You saw a beautiful face

And went towards her?


صبح کو تاروں سے پوچھا  میں

ابھی یاں تھے، کدھر  ہو  گئے؟

And I asked the stars

Leaving the night sky

At morn

Hey Guys! Where are you going?


کون رہا باقی؟  قافلہ میں ساقی

کچھ اِدھر تو کچھ اُدھر ہو گئے

And who remains

In the caravan

Some went there

Others elsewhere


وہ آج کیا قہر ڈھانے نکلے ہیں؟

صداِ الاماں آئ،  جدھر ہو گئے

Her beauty

Causes people to flee

In fear

Crying, O Lord Protect Us!


جو گرا دستِ ساقی سے پیمانہ

رند سارے مائلِ غدر ہو  گئے

As soon as the measure

Fell from the cupbearer’s hand

The drunkards



عمر کاٹے ہے سفر میں استاد

اُدھرہو گئے،  اِدھر ہو گئے

And he has spent his life


He goes there

And then he goes there


Filed under Ghazal, Poetry

2 responses to “Where did you go?

  1. Julie

    There are so many layers to this ghazal – really quite wonderful. i keep reading it. Is the beautiful face the moon?


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